Alchemy Flower of the Soul - Action

Balances the energetic, emotional and physical fields. It can stimulate the organism in the production of Serotonin (Substance responsible for pleasure, well-being and peace).
Combats stress and can also be used as perfume.
Recommended for invigorating and strenghthening of the auric field.
In the Auric field, Chakra system and in the physical body, it works as a relaxant while at the same time invigorating the system. It does this by entering the respiratory system and oxygenting the brain . This action provides a sense
of lightness and peacefulness. It is not a remedy, nor a cosmetic.
It is a artisan product genuinely hand-crafted and produced with all care.

Alchemie: Feitio
Alchemie in the brain
Alchemie: Magnetism